Lower48 Now Runs on Google Cloud

Lower48 is 8x faster with our switch to Google Cloud 

Oil and gas companies are pivoting their strategy from increasing reserves to optimizing their returns on capital, and technology giants are rushing to court the majors. Lower48 Analytics is now leveraging Google Cloud and decades of industry expertise to let you intuitively and efficiently optimize your portfolio management process. However, we are not only focusing only on the majors.

Our cloud-based, upstream portfolio management software pulls together disparate data sources for organizations large and small, tearing down the silos and turning everyone(that needs to be) into finance professionals. When you partner with Lower48 Analytics, anyone in your organization can generate and forecast reserve reports, borrowing base, cash flows, investment returns from all of your geolocated data, and much more.

The March 16th edition of The Economist presented a bullish synopsis of the burgeoning relationship between Silicon Valley and the Permian Basin.

“Oil Rush: Technology firms stampede to woo the energy industry” accords with Lower48 Analytics’ plan to introduce the O&G industry to a cloud-based portfolio management tool that lets users access their data anywhere, at any time. When all stakeholders are empowered, companies make better, faster decisions and cut costs.

Technology giants agree. In February 2019, Exxon announced that it's Permian Basin operations would utilize Microsoft’s cloud, AI, and other services. Further, Amazon’s oil and gas team has tripled in recent years in an effort to stay on Microsoft’s tail and Google has also on-boarded former energy executives to access more than the 1-5% of data typically exploited by the industry. With major oil companies addressing operational inefficiencies and the tech sector stepping up to the task, Lower48 Analytics is perfectly positioned to address the niche needs of mineral owners, financial institutions, asset
managers, and E&P operators.

Let us show you how we can help make your business more profitable.

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